This page regarding David Blaine magic tricks has been written so you can learn some cool tricks like those performed by this famous magician. To be a great magician like David Blaine you should not tell anyone about the secrets behind the tricks. Magicians always subscribe to the magicians oath and we hope you remember that you should never disclose how you have performed a magic trick.
David Blaine was born on April 4th 1973 and is well known as a magician, endurance artist and illusionist all over the world. He has achieved many world records and people all over the world watch his shows.

His style has revolutionised TV magic by focusing on the spectators reactions and his show Street Magic is known as the best TV magic show ever produced, and aired on May 19, 1997 on the NBC Network in America.
Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller said “it really, really does break new ground.”
When Blaine was asked about his performance style, he explained, “I would like to bring magic back to the place it used to be 100 years ago.” An American magazine “Time” commented, “his deceptively low-key, ultra-cool manner leaves spectators more amazed than if he had razzle-dazzled.”
Magic Man was his next television show and Blaine is shown travelling across America entertaining unsuspecting people of Atlantic City, Compton, Dallas, the Mojave Desert, New York City and San Francisco.
This show was all recorded by a small crew with handheld cameras. Jon Racherbaumer shared his thoughts: “make no mistake about it, the focus of this show, boys and girls, is not Blaine. It is really about theatrical polemics; about the show-within-a-show and the spontaneous, visceral reactions of people being astonished.”
The Newspaper USA Today shared in their print that Blaine was the “hottest name in magic right now”.
Below we have a few tricks that will help you to learn his style of magic and hopefully enhance your own knowledge of magic which you can develop into your own style. Practice these David Blaine magic tricks until you can perform them perfectly.
David Blaine Magic Tricks
The secrets to David Blaine’s magic is the showmanship and how the tricks are performed. David Blaine will focus on entertaining the crowd to the point where they become completely under his spell.
We have many sources of information about David Blaine magic on the site. All aspiring magicians would love to be as great as him but it takes plenty of practice and amazing showmanship to be as good as him. Why not check out our article regarding showmanship here in our article page creating a lasting impression.
David Blaine shocked the whole world with an amazing feat. Blaine enjoyed watching an old trick that was performed by an old magician called Hadji Ali where he was able to regurgitate water. He decided to recreate this incredible feat and the result was pure David Blaine magic.
David Blaine Magic to Endurance Artist
In April 1999, Blaine was placed in an underground box made of plastic underneath a water-filled tank weighing three tonnes, for a week.
Taking place across from Trump place near 68th St. and Riverside Drive, this stunt was called “Buried Alive”. CNN reported, “Blaine’s only communication to the outside world was by a hand buzzer, which could have alerted an around-the-clock emergency crew standing by.”
It was reported by the BBC that the plastic coffin had six inches (152 mm) of headroom and two inches on each side. Blaine did not eat any food and drank only two to three tablespoons of water a day during the endurance stunt.
It is said that 75,000 people visited the site, including Marie Blood, Houdini’s niece. She said, “my uncle did some amazing things, but he could not have done this.”
On the last day of the stunt on April 12, it is said a number of news teams were stationed at the site to see the opening of the coffin.
A group of construction workers removed a section, 75 cubic feet (2.1 m3), of the gravel surrounding the six-foot-deep coffin before a crane lifted the water tank.
Blaine was safe and told the crowd, “I saw something very prophetic … a vision of every race, every religion, every age group banding together, and that made all this worthwhile.”
According to the BBC, Blaine stated, “the 26-year-old magician has outdone his hero, Harry Houdini, who had planned a similar feat but died in 1926 before he could perform it.”
This was David Blaine Magic at its best.
Another endurance stunt performed by David Blaine was on September 5, 2003, in which he was placed and sealed inside a transparent plastic plexiglas case.
This case was suspended on the south bank of the River Thames in London, England, 9 metres (30 ft) in the air, next to Potters Fields Park.

The box measured 3 feet (0.9 m) by 7 feet (2.1 m) by 7 feet (2.1 m). A web camera was placed within the case so that viewers could see and observe his every move and more of his progress online. This endurance stunt (during which Blaine drank 4.5 litres of water per day and did not eat) lasted an amazing 44 days.
This whole event was the subject of public interest and media attention, with one English newspaper (the Times) stating that “1,614 articles in the British press have made reference to the exploit.”
In 2003 U.S. President George W. Bush visited the UK and made reference to David Blaine’s stunt in a speech at the Whitehall Palace, London, saying, “the last noted American to visit London stayed in a glass box dangling over the Thames. A few might have been happy to provide similar arrangements for me.”
A few individuals sadly threw food and other items towards the box, including eggs, paint-filled balloons and golf balls, according to the English Newspaper, The Times.
A MacDonald’s hamburger was flown up to the box by a remote-controlled helicopter as a taunt. It was also reported that one man was arrested for attempting to cut the cable supplying water to Blaine’s box.
BBC News reported around September 25, that “if his endurance test is real rather than an elaborate illusion then Blaine’s claim of tasting pear drops indicates he was advancing through the first stage of starvation. A medical doctor said that the taste is caused by Ketones which are produced when the body burns all of the fat reserves.”
On October 19, this glorious stunt ended, and Blaine emerged saying “I love you all!” and was subsequently hospitalised.
A reputable paper was published by the New England Journal of medicine that documented his 44-day fast and stated his re-feeding was perhaps the most dangerous part of the stunt.
The in-depth study reported that in total, “he lost 24.5 kg (25 percent of his original body weight), and his BMI (Body Mass Index) dropped from 29.0 to 21.6. His appearance and body-mass index after his fast would not by themselves have alerted us to the risks of re-feeding. Despite cautious management, he had dangerous hypophosphatemia and fluid retention, important elements of the re-feeding syndrome.”
This was yet another example of David Blaine magic.