Card Melt

Card Melt, an eerie trick that fools the best of them.

Watch the Video below!!

I Hate David Copperfield? Well no I don’t.. I think he is fantastic and I would love to perform some of his tricks..

So why is it nick-named the I hate David Copperfield Card Trick?… I just do not know!!! But what I can tell you is how to create the gimmicked card and how to perform the trick.

If you watch the video, you will see how to cut the card correctly and where to stick the cut card. It is a very easy gimmick to create and use. Watch the video to see it being made.

Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut the bottom of the card and try to keep it in line with the pattern of the card.. this way it is hidden well in front of a spectator.

One thing I will add is try to use a deck with a good design on the back of the cards.. It makes it easier to disguise the gimmick. Use your thumb too to hide the corner.

As you watch the video keep an eye on what the person’s hands do. Once you have created the gimmicked card it is yours for life.

It will serve you well. Try to keep the three cards together and use them, why not try a different colour backed card to push through the gimmicked card and a normal card. 

Card Melt Recap

I keep the gimmicked card in a small card folder with one card of a different back so it becomes what is known as a packet trick.

You will find that term occasionally on Free magic tricks and illusions and it means a small group of cards that create an effect..

Try to keep the three cards together and use them, why not try a different colour backed card to push through the gimmicked card and a normal card. It looks great and is more effective.

Remember to keep the secret.. do not tell anyone how it is done. and practice practice practice.. do it in front of a mirror.. That is a great tip to remember!!

If you would like to see more magic tricks like this then contact us asking for the tricks you would like to learn, and we will try our best to cater for your needs  

For more card tricks like Card Melt Card Trick, click here

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