There are now many free magic tricks online and here at Free Magic Tricks and Illusions we want to share these tricks with you to help you become a more proficient magician.
On our site you can learn many types of magic with street tricks, card tricks, coin tricks and mentalism tricks.. we also have a section on special card moves and card shuffling (cardistry).
Please feel free to watch the videos here on free magic tricks and illusions and learn them by practicing them until you can perform the trick flawlessly and perfected.
Once you have done this you then can move on to a different trick and learn that one. Once you have a few tricks up your sleeve you can perform well. Let us learn a cool trick below.
Scroll down to the video
Here is a quick trick using very small pencils. It is loosely based on a Dai Vernon trick using Chinese matches but we use pencils instead. It is very clever.
Watch the video below and become fascinated with the world of magic tricks and illusions.
Crazy Pencil Magic Trick
It is a very simple trick where you count to 8 performing certain moves, the trick involves a sleight where you fake placing the pencil into a hand where in fact you keep the pencil in the same hand all the time.

It is a very simple trick which you can perform with many different objects as long as they are small enough to fit into your hand and are easily withheld.
As the video shows it can help if you learn the false transfer in the video. This way it looks smooth. Remember to always practice the trick and one idea of how to perfect a trick is to use a mirror, just perform it in front of a mirror so you can see what the performance looks like in real time.
Once you have mastered it, perform it in front of friends and family before performing it in public.
Why not try to learn more tricks from the website, with over 100 magic tricks to learn and perform, try the card magic section of the site where all you need is a pack of playing cards and a few little tricks to wow any one of your friends and family.