‘Your first impression also happens to be your last impression’ – how many times have you heard this old adage being repeated before making a crucial public appearance?
And yet it is one of the most apt suggestions that anyone can provide an individual with, more so if he/she is an entertainer like an actor, fashionista or magician. It is a must to be creating lasting impressions!
In fact, it is owing to this adage that entertainers are encouraged to be unique and creative particularly in the case of magicians who have a selective legacy and genre of tricks to draw from.
Creating Lasting Impressions
While it might be extremely convenient to watch a live performance or even one on video and imitate it exactly, the truth is that the reaction subsequent to such a performance is cold enough as is suitable for a repeat.

For example, assuming you are a magician and you wish to perform a trick that entails linking and unlinking of chains, the best approach that you could adopt would be to present it in your own style rather than reproduce another magician’s act.
To this effect, it is imperative for every magician to first subject himself to deep introspection and identify the aspect of their personality that is inherent to the point of being reflected in their every move and is compatible with their magical prowess too.
Having found a suitable trait, next it is time to integrate it into the enactment of a magic trick in such a way that not only is its sanctity preserved but its presentation lends to it a totally new feel.
Old wine in a new bottle would probably fit the description well and while the wine is the same old trick, new packaging could take the form of humor, enigma or simply a soulful outlook.

Finding an inherent and natural characteristic is essential because it is something that should not appear to be pretense all through the career of the magician.
After having adopted it, the onus is on the magician to cultivate it further as a part of their personality so that over the years it becomes their signature trademark and is synonymous with their name.
Masks, costume theme, hand movements and music are some of the accessories which form a part of the magic performance as per the preference of the magician.
What if it does not work? The only reason why it may not work is probably because it is not perfect and the audience is able to relate it to some other performer.
Every magician must aim towards avoiding such a situation and this calls for spending long hours in front of the mirror and heckling until perfection.

Rather than having spectators point out your flaws, you may as well pinpoint them yourself and work towards overcoming them or turning them to your advantage.
Ultimately your objective should be to realize your potential and exploit to to make your dreams come true.
Indeed there is nothing more satisfying than using your talents in a realistic manner to soar among the stars and scale the peaks of your chosen profession.
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