Haunted Matchbox Trick is an illusion you can do on the street without too much preparation. Once you have constructed the gimmick you can continue to use this wonderful visual piece of magic to anyone who comes to you on the street.
It is so visual it looks like the matchbox has a life of its own and with so many different ways of using this gimmick in your set, you will find yourself propelling yourself up to becoming a great magician.
So let us get into the trick and the construction of the gimmick.
What you will need is a matchbox with a few matches in it, and a piece of fishing line or wire. Do not use invisible tread as you will find it is just not strong enough to perform with and might break. You should also have a pin or paper clip to fasten the wire to a pocket or belt.
Let us watch the video below and learn the performance, the construction of the gimmick and the method.
Haunted Matchbox Trick Gimmick
So now you know the method and the gimmick construction. Remember to use fishing wire for strength. Always fasten the gimmick to your pocket or belt.

Make a hole in the centre of the matchbox and the tray and thread the line through both holes. In the film it says tie the end of the line to a match, but I personally just tape it down with some see through tape and then stick a piece of cardboard the same size as the tray over the the knot as I use this as a card production.
But that is for another trick…

(I simply get a card signed and fold it into a small package, then I dump the cards and push the card into the matchbox before I bring the matchbox out.. That way you can do a reveal.
Once the gimmick is made you go through the method shown and with practice you can reveal the matchbox has a mind of its own.
We hope you like this magic trick and our thanks go to Benjamin Banks for his video. It is brilliant.