Secrets of a Kid Show Magician

If you are a magician then you can take advantage of your special talents and make money by appearing on a magic show for kids.

There is much difference between being a magician for a kid show and performing the same role for an adult show.

It is harder to entertain kids as opposed to adults because their attention spans are shorter and they can be very demanding at times.

If you want  to become a good kid show magician then you have to learn the tricks of the trade so that you will be able to entertain the kids and even trick them into believing that your illusions are truly magical.

Even though the targeted audience for the show is mainly the kids, you should design the show in such a way that it would be appealing to the adults as well because many parents accompany their children to such shows.

Inspiration can be drawn from cartoons such as SpongeBob, Squarepants or Loony Toons as even though these cartoons are meant mainly for kids, the adults can still enjoy the show.

Thus, the same show is effective at entertaining people of different age groups simultaneously.  Likewise your magic show for the kids should also be designed and planned in such a way.

Another key requirement to become a good kid show magician is to add some pizzazz and personality to your show.

The performing personality of the magician is imperative in order to attract and hold the attention of the kids watching the show.

Remember that the television is the only medium through which magicians can connect with their audience so it is necessary to have your personality shine through otherwise the kids would reach out for the remote in no time.

Of course this is difficult to pull off, but you have to work hard on grooming your personality and making it more compatible for a television show about magic for kids.

Simply wearing a tuxedo and pulling rabbits out of top hats is not enough to engage the kids and the kid show magician should study the personalities of famous and successful magicians in this regard.

Silly Billy for example is an extremely successful kid show magician and his performing personality is extremely fun and engaging. It is the Secrets of a Kid Show Magician.  The tone of the show is humorous as well as fast paced, a combination that is enough to make the kids roll with laughter and be awestruck by the magic tricks at the same time.

While doing your research, look up the names of some of the most compelling personalities of television magic shows for kids like Peewee Herman, Mr. Rodgers, Captain Kangaroo to name just a few.

The performing personalities of these magicians may be distinct and unique but they had something in common: the ability to keep the show fun and the children engaged.

Designing a magic show for children is not easy – it requires plenty of planning in order to deliver great magic for the kids.

Although having a compelling performing personality is imperative, it is not the only element that makes the show run successfully.

Adeptness at great magic tricks is also critical for the success of the show. Therefore invest some time in learning and practicing magic tricks until you excel at performing them perfectly.

One of the secrets of a kid show magician is to make your audience, which consists of kids, understand the cues that are commonly used in a live performance.

Some children are unfamiliar with clapping and therefore you need to make sure your audience understands that they should clap loudly whenever the cue is given otherwise it would just result in an awkward situation.

As a kid show magician it is imperative to establish control of your audience and set the tone for the show.

Yet another secret of a kid show magician is to warm up the audience so when the camera pans to them the viewers at home would see that the kids are genuinely enjoying the show.

Many magicians think that warming up their audience is not advisable and is a waste of time but to some magicians, this is a crucial ingredient in order to have a great magic show.

What would be a magic show without the element of fun? Kids love to have fun, so do not make the tone of the show too serious otherwise the kids would not be able to enjoy the performance.

Even while making the show fun, do not forget to establish your authority in the show otherwise the kids will take you for granted and things could get out of hand. After all one of the greatest tricks of a magician is to accommodate an iron hand in a velvet glove.

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