The Signed Coin Through Glass trick has been a staple of many street magic or coin magic repertoires for years. Today we will be learning a variation that can be performed impromptu and at a moment’s notice if asked to perform a coin trick.
What you do is tap the bottom of the glass with a signed coin. After a count of three, the coin is seen to penetrate the bottom of the glass and the coin ends up inside the glass. If done correctly it looks amazing.
What you will need is a coin, a small glass and a marker pen. And then you are set to perform this trick. You will need to learn the move properly and watch your angles as the method could be seen so it is suggested you do it a maximum of twice, maybe even just perform it once.
You need the spectator to sign the coin so they know the coin that is penetrating the glass is theirs and leaves out all possibility of a switch being used and a different coin ending up in the glass.
It is a very clever move that allows the coin to seem to penetrate the glass, it is all in the throwing of the coin so it rebounds off the palm of the hand holding the glass.

It is all in the handling. You need to place the coin in the palm of your hand at the beginning and after the second movement, turn your hand over to help you place the coin on your fingers.
With the third move of the glass hitting your hand, the coin should lift off towards the palm of your other hand and the coin will end up in the glass!!
It takes plenty of practice and much bottle to do this in front of a group of spectators but once you have mastered the method, you will be confident in performing the trick.
Try practicing this trick in front of a mirror to make sure your angles are crisp and clean so you cannot see the coin move from your hand into the glass. It is very difficult to perform, but practice, practice, practice.
For more coin tricks like this, go to the Free Magic Tricks and Illusions Home Page where you will find links to many tricks and articles that will help you to become a better magician.