Top 3 Magic Tips For Performing Magic

Magic is something that fascinates many people and has the capability of transporting the spectators from an ordinary world into that of fantasy and charm.

A lot of upcoming magicians aspire to become like seasoned veterans like David Blaine, David Copperfield, Harry Houdini and P.C Sarcar.

If you are going to perform magic then you have to believe that you have the capability to perform magic.  It might sound silly or very obvious but unless magicians have faith in themselves, they cannot expect the audience to believe in them.

Simply having the desire to perform magic and be a great magician is not enough – one should have the determination and the willingness to invest much time and effort to practice performing tricks so that one can master the art of making people believe in illusions.

Learning magic tricks entails creating illusions without using any props and using them as well.

A recommendation here is to entertain the audience while performing magic tricks and to keep them absorbed.

The job of a magician is equivalent to the job of an entertainer, meaning if the magician comes across as a bad entertainer with no zeal or enthusiasm, then no matter how great the magic trick is, no one will pay attention and the magician would lose their audience.

Tips are always effective and good in any situation. So these come in handy when one is mastering the art of performing magic.

You can pick up tips from the likes of expert magicians such as David Blaine and Criss Angel when you watch them perform first hand.

Of course the actual art of performing magic tricks cannot be taught or contained in step by step detailed instructions and one has to rely on their personality and wits to engage the audience and to retain their interest and attention.

Even though there may be books on what to say before you commence the magic trick, during the performance and after the performance, one cannot simply blindly mouth these pre-written dialogues without first considering whether they are apt or suitable for the audience and the situation. It is important to go with the flow.

Thus, the magician can read tips and pick up pointers from there but ultimately it takes both knowledge as well as street smartness to put up a great show.

The top 3 magic tips for performing magic are:

Top 3 Magic Tips For Performing Magic.
“Tips are always effective and good in any situation. So these come in handy when one is mastering the art of performing magic”

Small Talk

Making small talk is very important during the show, especially if it is a live performance.

Depending on the efforts put in by the magician to ‘sell’ theirmagic trick to the audience, even an ordinary and basic magic trick can be transformed into an awe-inspiring and theatrical event.

Dialogues are extremely important when it comes to performing magic tricks and the perfect set of dialogues can assist the magician in their act.

The body language of the magician is important too, and it is necessary to maintain eye contact to ensure that the audience is taking in every word spoken by the magician with great interest.

As a magician one can also employ humour to make the magic show a successful one.

There is nothing like sprinkling humour into your magic show to make people feel amused and relaxed, and it is always best to perform magic in front of a relaxed but attentive audience.


Confidence is an essential element for every situation in life and not just for performing magic.  There is much difference between the reactions garnered by a confident magician and that of a nervous wreck.

In order to make people believe that one possesses magical powers it is important to appear confident.

However, the element of confidence should not be confused with cockiness because no one likes a cocky magician.  Even though you are pulling off a big magic trick, it is essential to appear confident and relaxed, as if it comes to you naturally.

It is very natural to feel nervous before performing a magic trick, but a good magician always gets past the stage of nervousness and transforms into a confident magician once the show begins.

The secret to being a confident magician is to practice repeatedly until you feel that the magic trick is a piece of cake.

The Silent Treatment

Another of the top 3 magic tips for performing magic and to become a good magician is to give your audience the silent treatment.

What is the silent treatment? Well, it is the ideal thing to give to the audience once you finish performing the magic trick.  You should just remain silent and simply look at them, as this will make them extremely curious as to how the trick was performed.  

Just try it once and you will understand the power of the silent treatment.  If silence is labelled as being golden, there is no better place to estimate its importance than during a magic show.

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