Wallet Prediction Card Trick

The Wallet Prediction Card Trick is a very simple impromptu card trick that packs just enough punch to illicit a great reaction out of a spectator or volunteer.

It is fun, easy, and will not require too much practice. The spectator deals out the cards face down one at a time until they feel they should stop.  The rest of the cards are set to one side.

All you need to perform this trick is a deck of cards, one wallet and a business card on which you write down a prediction. The business card can be left so the volunteer knows who you are.  It is self promotion at its best.

You then bring out your wallet and place it on top of the cards and you reveal a business card from the wallet…

On the card is a prediction of the card they will stop on.  You then reveal the prediction matches the card they stopped on.

Below @TAGSmagic (follow him on twitter by clicking on his name) teaches you a great method of fooling your audience with a mind blowing trick that mixes mentalism and simple card magic.  You can also subscribe to his YouTube channel.

Learning the art of sleight of hand is required, but it is not too difficult.  It just involves some misdirection. Let us watch the video below…

Wallet Prediction Card Trick Recap

So let us recap the trick and the method.

  • Preparation.. write on the back of a business card or on paper a prediction “You will stop at the (insert the card value)
  • Remove the card from the deck and place your prediction into the wallet and the card underneath the wallet.  Place both into your pocket ready for the trick.
  • Get the spectator to shuffle the cards and then deal them out face down until they feel they have selected one.
  • You place the card/wallet onto the pile and show spectators your prediction.
  • Turn over the playing card to show that it matches the prediction.

Now all you need to do is learn it and practice, practice, practice until you can perform it brilliantly.  It is always best to practice your tricks in front of a mirror so you can watch yourself perform and can judge your angles more accurately.

Even better, you leave the spectator with a memento containing your details so they may contact you to do more work or perform for them too. The trick is great to perform at corporate functions.

For more tricks like Wallet Prediction, click here


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